Welcome to SAMA

Welcome to SAMA

Become Top 1%

Customer Success Leader

Most people think of Customer Success as a support function which it is not. CS is a revenue function, sometimes even more important than Sales. Learn the craft and depth of CS by some of the best Success Leaders from India and the US. Land into breakout roles post 12 Weeks at SAMA.

Top 1% B2B SaaS Startups

The best

works with the best

70+ B2B SaaS startups have hired reps from SAMA. We go an extra mile helping you be the top rep at your company.

Level up in CS

Accelerate your Customer Success

career in B2B SaaS

For SAMA - Outcomes start at intake curation. Understanding where you are in your career and why do you want to do this is super critical.




Learn the craft

of Customer Success

12 Week intense cohort to help you build depth in the world of Customer Success

12 Week intense cohort to help you build depth in the world of Customer Success

12 Week intense cohort to help you build depth in the world of Customer Success

Week 1

The Foundations of CSM

  • Better address what your customers value

  • Prioritize your accounts

  • Set appropriate expectations with your team and your clients

  • Organize and plan your day/month/year for maximum efficiency as your book of customers grows

Week 2

Mastering Value-Driven CS Meetings

  • Structure a successful onboarding plan

  • Develop pre-onboarding surveys to get to know your customers

  • Avoid common onboarding mistakes

  • Design QBRs that will inspire customers, realign expectations, and work toward a common goal

Week 3 to 4

Preventing Disengagement through Discovery

  • Being proactive as a CSM

  • Understand what realy matters to your customer

  • Reengage customers

  • Prevent customer disengagement

Week 4

Transparent Selling

  • Understand the difference between sales and positioning

  • Implement value-driven sales techniques

  • Selling and expanding accounts from the lens of account management

Week 6 to 7

Advocating for your Customers and Creating Brand Advocates

  • Create customer-centricity: VoC and CAB

  • Use customer insights and data to create customer advocates

  • Understand how to lose a customer in less than 5 steps

Week 6 to 7

Locking in your Upsells, Cross-Sells, and Renewals

  • Understand up/cross-selling

  • Build effective plans for account expansions

  • Close deals and achieve big results

  • Build a strategic renewal process

  • Drive more effective renewals for your business

Week 8 to 12

Capstone & Demo Day

Build Proof of Work, Network & showcase your craft to the world on Demo Day.

Picth your craft and strategy in front for top CS leaders in India.

Land into breakout roles in CS function

Get Hired

Get Hired

Get Hired

Customer Success

is not customer support

CSM is a revenue function like any other GTM function.

CSM is a revenue function like any other GTM function.

CSM is a revenue function like any other GTM function.

Interview Prep

Interview Prep

Interview Prep

Your depth and breadth of CS matters

There is no silver bullet. You need to build your craft to be able to scale your CS career.

Build extensive proof of work and practice your craft.

Your depth and breadth of CS matters

There is no silver bullet. You need to build your craft to be able to scale your CS career.

Build extensive proof of work and practice your craft.

Making your intros with some of
the CS leaders

Making your intros with some of
the CS leaders

Making your intros with some of
the CS leaders

We hate HRs at SAMA, except a few

HRs in B2B SaaS hardly have any idea how to judge your skillset if you don't have relevant experience.

We make your introductions with some of the best CS leaders of some of the best SaaS comapnies.

We are not a recruitment company, so our name is on the line when we are making these introductions

We hate HRs at SAMA, except a few

HRs in B2B SaaS hardly have any idea how to judge your skillset if you don't have relevant experience.

We make your introductions with some of the best CS leaders of some of the best SaaS comapnies.

We are not a recruitment company, so our name is on the line when we are making these introductions

Let your craft do the talking

Build Proof of Work

not fancy resumes

A Success leader is looking for someone who can solve his/her problem, not someone with fancy degrees. Let your craft and skill set speak for you.

Practice your Craft

Getting good at Success takes time and effort. There is no point of attending sessions if you cant execute it.

Building a muscle and understanding the pyscology is what you aim to build at SAMA.

Real World Capstone Projects

Build proof of work which will help you show your craft.

100+ capstones of orgs to build depth

Thousands of companies selling to different personas like Sales, CS, Product leaders and different segments, be it enterprise, mid-market or SMB. Refer to 100s of capstones built by alumni's to understand nuances of B2B sales faster.

SAMA Membership

Explore your Journey

with sama

Learn from Top 1% Customer Success leaders and get hired by India's best B2B SaaS startups.





Round 1 Discovery


R2 + Acceptance letter rollout


Onboarding to the community


First 8 Weeks


Capstone & Demo day


Start with filling a small application and introducing yourself

The shortlisted applicants are invited for a working session where you solve an interesting problem in a live group-discussion.

Based on your application & working session, we'll get back if we are a good fit for each other.

Members undergo a personalised onboarding process. This helps us curate your experience for the best outcomes.

The shortlisted applicants are invited for a working session where you solve an interesting problem in a live group-discussion.

4-week intense capstone project and demo day





Learn from Top 1% GTM, Sales & Customer Success leaders and get hired by India's best B2B SaaS startups.

Start with filling a small application and introducing yourself

Start with filling a small application and introducing yourself





Round 1 discovery

Round 1 discovery

Learn from Top 1% GTM, Sales & Customer Success leaders and get hired by India's best B2B SaaS startups.

The shortlisted applicants are invited for a working session where you solve an interesting problem in a live group-discussion.

The shortlisted applicants are invited for a working session where you solve an interesting problem in a live group-discussion.





R2 + Acceptance letter rollout

R2 + Acceptance letter rollout

Learn from Top 1% GTM, Sales & Customer Success leaders and get hired by India's best B2B SaaS startups.

Based on your application & working session, we'll get back if we are a good fit for each other.

Based on your application & working session, we'll get back if we are a good fit for each other.





Onboarding to the community

Onboarding to the community

Learn from Top 1% GTM, Sales & Customer Success leaders and get hired by India's best B2B SaaS startups.

Members undergo a personalised onboarding process. This helps us curate your experience for the best outcomes.

Members undergo a personalised onboarding process. This helps us curate your experience for the best outcomes.





First 8 weeks

First 8 Weeks

Learn from Top 1% GTM, Sales & Customer Success leaders and get hired by India's best B2B SaaS startups.

The shortlisted applicants are invited for a working session where you solve an interesting problem in a live group-discussion.

The shortlisted applicants are invited for a working session where you solve an interesting problem in a live group-discussion.





Capstone & Demo day

Capstone and Demo day

Learn from Top 1% GTM, Sales & Customer Success leaders and get hired by India's best B2B SaaS startups.

3-week intense product-growth led project for qualifying members

3-week intense product-growth led project for qualifying members


Frequently asked


What’s the core outcome I should expect as a B2C sales rep?

What is a capstone project?

Can I speak to current or previous SAMA members?

I have a full time job, how much time will I need to spare? Is this for me?

What’s the typical class profile?


Frequently asked


What’s the core outcome I should expect as a B2C sales rep?

What is a capstone project?

Can I speak to current or previous SAMA members?

I have a full time job, how much time will I need to spare? Is this for me?

What’s the typical class profile?


Frequently asked


What’s the core outcome I should expect as a B2C sales rep?

What is a capstone project?

Can I speak to current or previous SAMA members?

I have a full time job, how much time will I need to spare? Is this for me?

What’s the typical class profile?

The SAMA Club

Join the


A collective of worlds finest sellers, success, partnerships and revops leaders.

SAMA is a sales and marketing school for B2B SaaS GTM leaders

Copyright © 2023 SAMA School Inc.

SAMA is a sales and marketing school for B2B SaaS GTM leaders

Copyright © 2023 SAMA School Inc.

SAMA is a sales and marketing school for B2B SaaS GTM leaders

Copyright © 2023 SAMA School Inc.